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Our First Enormous WALKING BUS

Powered by the good old-fashioned leg work, our first Walking Bus was truly an ENORMOUS one and the first in Ealing!  The event was attended by  staff, parents, governors, children, volunteers and representatives from the Ealing Travel Team and head of Transport. On a beautiful warm, sunny morning, the bus travelled through Southall park—while it’s passengers  soaked in the natural beauty of the park, chatted  and bonded with each other. It was a great opportunity for everyone to catch up on each other’s news  and notice our surroundings.

A big, big THANK YOU to everyone for joining us and making the bus such a success and for supporting us in our attempt to reinforcing the important message behind  walking. 

To end the walk, after eventually holding the traffic to a standstill on the South Road/ Park Ave junction, we were greeted by a special visitor at the school gates —Terri the Tiger gave children high–fives to all children as they entered school. 

WELL DONE everyone and remember walking isn’t just something to do during the Walk to School week or when we hold the Walking Bus. It can be built into your weekly pattern of travel.

READ THE WALKING BUS ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN "EALING NEWS EXTRA" ON THE ENORMOUS WALKING BUS PAGE (https://ealingnewsextra.co.uk/?s=Hambrough+enormous+walking+bus)


2014, 2016, 2019 & 2023: GOLD status awarded to Hambrough for all our travel initiatives

We note that with the increase in the amount of traffic on the roads, accidents on the roads involving children – quite often during their journeys to and from school - have also increased.

Through various initiatives eg “Walk to School Week”, we promote sustainable, safe & healthy travel options, for those living out of the area, to reduce car journeys, congestion and pollution.

Please encourage children to walk, cycle, or scoot to school (and make use of our cycle and scooter pods for parking bikes and scooters). The school offers cycle proficiency to Years 5 and Year 6 provided by cycleInstructor.com .

  • Being active on the way to school leads to more awake and alert pupils in the classroom
  • Walking, scooting and cycling helps improve air quality and the local environment around their schools by removing the number of cars around the school gate
  • Children need at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. The journey to and from school is an ideal time for children to engage in physical activity
  • Reducing car use and congestion around the school gates increases pupil safety and reduces harmful toxic fumes
  • Walking / scooting and cycling to school are great ways to help pupils become familiar with their local environment

Road Safety:

  • The importance of Road Safety and Healthy School Travel  is taught within the PSHE lessons
  • Road Safety issues are raised at assemblies, through class work , special events and national campaigns

  Click here for the school’s Travel Policy

  Click here for the Letter sent home re: GOLD status -     September 2023

We've been featured in the Around Ealing magazine, click image below to view





I’m gonna walk to school
I’m gonna save on fuel
Because pollution isn’t good
For the environment!

I’m gonna think of the trees
And enjoy the cool breeze,
When I’m walking or cycling to school.

And if it’s raining, I’ll take an umbrella,
‘cos that’s no reason to drive,
Or if I’m tired, I’ll have a little more time,
So I can walk slowly but won’t be late!

Latest Information/Up coming events


COULD YOU  be a Junior Travel Ambassador?

Do you

  • have a desire to promote active and sustainable travel?
  • walk, scoot or cycle to school already?
  • ike organising/leading?
  • have a passion for preventing climate change?
  • enjoy a challenge?

WHAT does a Junior Travel Ambassador do?

  • Collect information for the STARS Hands Up Survey about how people travel to school
  • Organise special days for National and Ealing events such as Road Safety Week, The Big Pedal and the Ealing Active Travel Challenge

HOW to become a Junior Travel Ambassador?

  • Fill in the application form
  • Hand it to Mrs Verma in the office by 14th June 2021
  • Make sure that you explain yourself clearly and how you are the best person for the role.
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