Hambrough's Learning Tree has been launched!
Each branch of the tree represents a learning disposition required by all good learners. These dispositions were decided on following consultation with pupils, staff, parents and governors.
Children have been introduced to each disposition through assemblies and PHSE lessons.
Through each learning poster, children will be able to recognise what they need to do to be a good learner and what learning behaviours they need to show to improve their attainment and progress.
Children are rewarded for demonstrating these dispositions in our weekly assemblies. Please congratulate your child if they receive one and discuss with them at home.
School feels that by encouraging greater responsibility within children themselves for their own learning that together we will continue to raise standards. Like the school’s values these learning dispositions are relevant at home too so we would ask that you promote these attitudes when supporting your child with their home learning.
Please ask the children about what they mean and how they have demonstrated good learning in their work at school.