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Attendance & Punctuality

Attending school on time and regularly is of paramount importance to us.  Regular attendance ensures that your child does not miss out on valuable learning time, which is essential for their success and fulfilment.  Our school acknowledges that each family’s circumstances are different and works in partnership with parents to provide the best education for your child.  We expect all children to attend every day as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind.  Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school. Source: Department for Education (DfE), 2013. 

School gates open at 8:45am and registration takes place promptly at 8.55am. Parents who are frequently late will be requested to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team and a punctuality plan will be put in place. 

We are aware that issues arise which prevent punctual end of day collections e.g. a medical emergency, transportation failure, road accidents causing a build-up in traffic etc.  We make every effort to support parents and carers through our 'late' provision with a member of staff on “late” duty.   Persistent late collections however, are not tolerated and will incur a charge where this occurs on more frequent basis. 

We strongly urge parents and carers who are experiencing difficulties in start and end of day routines to consider the wide range of affordable Breakfast and After School activities Hambrough Primary School provides to ensure that children are not affected by any loss in their learning, and no avoidable charges are issued.

Your support in promoting regular attendance and good punctuality is crucial.

The School Attendance Policy can be accessed from the "Statutory Policies" page 

Attendance Levels

99 % & 100 %


96 % - 99 %

Very good & at expected level

Keep it up  

91 % - 95 %

Careful - Your child can’t afford to have any more time off.

Try and get the % higher as the year goes by and the weather warmer.

If not - they could begin to struggle in their learning

and will not achieve the progress they are capable of.

Do you really want them to fall behind in their learning?

Below 90%

This is the new threshold.

If you child’s attendance is below 90% - your child is

NOW known as a


Persistent Absentee

85 % - 90 %

This could be up to 20 days = 4 weeks

of learning missed by July !!

Below 85%

!!This is completely unacceptable!! Your child has possibly missed up to 30 days of school.

!! This is 6 weeks worth of learning !!

The LA can issue a fine to you if you do not get your child to school.

As a parent / carer it is your responsibility to do this.

Give your child the start in life they deserve & bring them to school 

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