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Stay on GREEN...Avoid RED

At Hambrough we follow three simple ACTIONS.

1. Show good manners at all times

2. Care for everyone and everthing

3. Make sensible choices & good decisions

These actions are a means of promoting good relationships, so that we can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn. We aim to allow everyone to work together in an effective a considerate way. All children are treated in a fair and consistent manner.

The school operates the “Stay on Green, Avoid Red” Behaviour plan.

All children begin each day on “Green” for following the school rules and for good behaviour children remain on green and avoid “Red” or “Amber” sanctions.  If children remain on green, they are rewarded at the end of each term where they recieve a prize from the behaviour shop. The shop is ran by our amazing Year 5 children. 

Measures to Promote Positive Behaviour

Sanctions help children to understand that anti-social behaviour is inappropriate and unacceptable. The following list of sanctions may be used both in and out of class.

  1. Verbal warning (counselling)
  2. Name on board
  3. Time out of class
  4. Counselling/meeting with senior staff and/or interview with parent

     Clickhere for the School Behaviour Policy

    Click here for the Behaviour Plan

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