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Keeping your child safe online

E-Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Hambrough Primary School. It is taught to all pupils; from Nursery up until Year 6, explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe online and how to behave appropriately whilst online. We have extensive security measures in place at school to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers online and unsuitable material.

We can only be successful in keeping children safe online if we work with parents to ensure the E-Safety message is consistent. Therefore, it is important parents also speak to their child about how to keep safe online and online behaviours too.

Below are some links to useful information that will be able to help you if you are concerned about something you or your child has seen online as well as links to websites that offer further support. There are also some links to online resources designed for children to help them gain an understanding of E-Safety.

If you have any issues not addressed on this page or you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school.



#Ditto is a free E-Safety magazine, released each half term, to keep everyone up to date with online risks, issues, advice and guidance related to keeping children safe online.

Subscribe for free at https://www.esafety-adviser.com/latest-newsletter “ 


•  Thinkuknow

This is an educational programme from NCA-CEOP, a U.K. organisation which protects children, both online and off-line.

•  Parent Zone

Internet for families.

•  Parent Info

Parent Info is a collaboration between NCA-CEOP and Parent Zone. Parent Info is a website for parents, covering all of the issues amplified by the internet. Its newsfeed function enables schools and family-focused organisations to host and share expert advice and information through their website. 

•  Childnet

Information about keeping your child safe online.

•  Uk Safer Internet Centre

E-Safety tips, advice and resources.

•  NSPCC Net Aware - O2

A guide to social networks children use.


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