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PUPIL OUTCOMES 2019 (2018-2019)

End of Key-Stage 1

Children achieving the Expected standard and Greater Depth

  Expected (National 17/18) Greater depth (National 17/18)
Reading 73% (75%) 15%  (26%)
Writing  70% (70%) 10% (16%)
Maths 77% (76%) 12% (22%)
Science 77% (83%)  

National data 18/19 will be released in September 2019

End of Key-Stage 2

Children achieving the Expected standard

  Hambrough 2018-2019 (provisional National 18/19 in brackets) Hambrough 2017-2018
Reading 76% (73%) 60%
Writing 78% (78%) 74%
Maths58% 92% (79%) 79%
Combined (Reading, Writing & Maths) 69% (65%) 58%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 92% (78%) 81%
Science 70% 84%

Children achieving Greater Depth

  Hambrough 2018-2019
Reading 17%
Writing 5%
Maths42% 42%
Combined (Reading, Writing & Maths) 5%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling(GPS) 63%

Note: at present there is no provisional data for greater depth

Progress measures are due to be released by the government in September.

DfE School Performance information may be found by clicking here

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