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Sports Premium Allocation 2023-2024

Overview of the school

Number of pupils and Sports Premium (SP) allocation

Total number of pupils on roll (R-Yr6) 360
Total number of pupils eligible for SP 348
Amount of SP allocated  £19,475.00
Total SP allocated 100%
Total SP expenditure £21,532
SP remaining £0

Summary of SP spending 2023-2024

Objectives in spending SP:

  • To increase the engagement of boys and girls, including those with SEND, taking part in competitions and having an opportunity to better their personal results
  • To identify those least active young people and have a targeted extracurricular sporting or physical activity club
  • Engage at least 50% of pupils in extracurricular sporting and physical activity every week
  • To provide all children with the opportunity to attend sporting competitions
  • To allow pupils to have memorable experiences that they might not otherwise be able to attend.
  • Provide teachers with resources to teach PE and sport more effectively.
  • Provide high quality PE and sporting resources.

Record of SP spending by item/project   2023-2024

Funding allocated




Sustainability and suggested next steps

Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport



School Games and Competition Programme – Partnered with Featherstone School Sports Partnership

Use the schools games format to provide the opportunity for both boys and girls to take part in competitions (personal challenge, intra & inter)

To increase the engagement of boys and girls including those with SEND taking part in competitions and having an opportunity to better their personal results(Linked to Article 23 UNCRC)

Hambrough participated in over 20 borough external competitions, such as: girls football, netball, Boccia, athletics, boys football, Panathlon, NFL Flag football and received medals and several of the competitions.

The ¾ SEND Kurling team went on to compete in the Ealing Borough competition.

Achieved Gold in School Games Mark

Achieved Platinum Award in FSSP

Ensure PE teaching units are aligned to extra curriculum clubs and sporting events / competitions schedule.


Ensure staff are aware of competitions so they can help promote in their lessons

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils


School Leadership Training

20 children from Years 5/6 were trained by FSSP in leadership skills and later they hosted a borough competition event to practice and embed these skills.

To provide opportunities for pupils to develop communication skills, develop leadership skills and provide them with broader experiences.

Featherstone School Sports Partnership delivered a high quality training to 20 pupils from KS2. They worked with the children for one-half term to develop their skills and confidence. The children later an event and received many complements about their leadership skills.

SMSAs to engage alongside a lunchtime session to become skilled up in facilitating lunchtime activity.


Sports leaders to help keep year groups active.

Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school


After School Sports Clubs – subsidised cost

To provide every young person the opportunity to attend extracurricular sporting and physical activities

Engage at least 50% of KS2 pupils in extracurricular sporting and physical activity every week

Hambrough is very keen to have active pupils, so we provide free clubs. This has allowed our pupils to access sports outside of school and each half term we have offered a new sport to explore such as: Netball, Football, Tennis, Multi Skills, NFL Football and Cricket. These clubs run three times per week, Monday for KS1, Wednesday for Years 3/4 and Fridays for Years 5/6 and engagement in after school clubs has increased. There is also a Tuesday lunchtime club. It has given our school teams more confidence when competing in competitions.

Teams did extremely well, placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd in several competitions.

Continue to provide after school sporting clubs free of charge through income generation by school lettings where needed.



Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport




Transport to sporting events / competition

Provide the pupils with the means of transport to and from inter school competitions

To provide all children with the opportunity to attend sporting competitions

This cost helped to subsidise transport to and from the competitions, including taxis, buses and trains. This has allowed our teams to travel further for other sporting opportunities.

Engage in events / competitions local to school where walking / public transport is a viable option.

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils





Class sets, playground sets


To engage children in a sport that they can play/stay active at school in lesson warmup and on their own personal time ie. break time and at home. Understand sports can be done for pleasure, competitive or personal best

Many children started and continued learning to skip. They improved their hand-eye and motor co-ordination.

Children took initiative to use skipping ropes on their own time.

Many organised their own fun mini competitions.

Organise a skipping club run by children to further develop skills.

Organise a school-wide skipping competition

Key indicator 3 : Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport 








Reporting Support


PE Planning Resources

Renew subscription to “Primary PE Planning”  and continue to make available to all teachers in EYFS / KS1 and KS2


Provide teachers with coaching/teaching through FSSP

Provide teachers with resources to teach PE and sport more effectively.

All teachers are continuing to grow and develop in strength in delivering high quality and engaging P.E. lessons. Pupils receive high quality and consistent lessons that promote progression across the school. Key movement skills taught in EYFS build a strong foundation for physical, teamwork and communication skills.

Our PE subject leader Sarah Knapp won the FSSP award in the Ealing Borough for ‘having made a significant difference in school for sports’

Achieved Gold in School Games Mark


The planning scheme is now in place and staff CPD implementation is now sustainable for existing staff and newly appointed staff moving forward


Subject leaders given time to team teach with staff

Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport


PE Equipment

PE Resources

Replenish indoor, outdoor, small and large equipment

Provide high quality PE and sporting resources. Created a display board to keep children up-to-date with competition dates, to create sport conversations and display achievements

High quality equipment purchased from TTS to enhance PE lessons, as well as restock playground equipment boxes to encourage more physical activities and movement.

Children were always talking about upcoming sports dates and achievements.

Use some equipment specifically for playtime and set up at different stations around the playground.


Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety:

(For Current Year 6 - data recorded when in Year 4 – 2021-2022)

Duckling  0%
Puffin 38.3%
3m 0%
5m 18.30%
7m 0%
10m 25%
15m 3.30%
20m 3.30%
25m 3.30%
50m 0%
100m 0%


Click here  for the Sports Premium Allocation and Impact Report for 2022-2023

Click here for the Sports Premium Allocation and Impact Report for 2021-2022

Click here for the Sports Premium Allocation and Impact Report for 2020-2021


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