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Governors at Hambrough

By the Chair - Mrs Sally Greenbrook

Whether you are a parent, someone looking for a job, or simply a “browser” welcome to the governors section of our web site.

The governing body of Hambrough has 12 members: three are staff members, one is the head teacher, four are parents, who are selected by the parent body; one is a local authority governor and the rest are co-opted. This last group of governors is selected by the governing body and is likely to have an expertise in an area of school management and/or an interest in the local area. The purpose of the governing body is to:

  • Share the school’s vision, ethos and strategy and hold the headteacher to account for their implementation;
  • Hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
  • Oversee the financial progress of the school and ensure its money is well spent.

    To do this we work in two committees. These are:

  • Standards committee;
  • Resources committee.

These committees carry out the main business of the governing body and each committee meets once a term. The full governing body also meets once a term and ensures that the work of the committees has covered the main objectives. This year for example we will be working with the school senior leadership team and all of the staff to write the strategic school plan for the next 3 years.

Each governor also has a lead role in an important area of school life: for example a subject area, such as literacy; or a cross curricular role, such as safeguarding. This can change as government priorities and the needs of the school change. This means that each governor visits school, at least once a term, speaks to the school lead in their specialist area and maybe join a lesson or talk to the children about their ideas.

As chair of governors I meet with Mrs. Singleton about once a fortnight. This is the time we spend catching up with what has been happening in school, what is new on the education scene and planning for future events.

One of the governor role’s I haven’t mentioned above is to champion the school. This is a joy when you are a governor of Hambrough Primary School. One of our great strengths is the children who attend our school. A recent survey with a group of teachers showed that teachers find the children friendly, respectful of authority and keen to learn. I would agree with this and never tire of going into school and talking to the children who are also full of great ideas! This means, of course, that our parent body is also a strength of the school, because we never forget that they are the children’s main educators. The staff team is friendly, supportive of the leadership and each other, talented and hard working. No wonder I find it so easy to champion the school!

In the "Meet the Governors" section (currently under construction) you will soon find a list of governors and if you click on their name something about them.

Sally Greenbrook

The Governing Body at Hambrough Primary school and Nursery consists of LA (Local Authority) members, Parents, Staff and Community Members.

Governing Body members (as at  October 2024):
Parents Governors (elected by parents):   Mrs S. Greenbrook  (Chair of Governing Body) (04/10/21 - 03/10/25); Mrs Rema Hashi (08/11/22 - 07/11/26); Mrs Amina Dukseyeh (25/04/24 - 24/04/28)

Staff Governors (with the exception of the Head, all staff governors are elected by staff) : Mrs L Singleton (Head; 28/09/12), Mrs R. Aneja   (20/09/21 - 19/09/25)

Co-opted Governors (appointed by the governing body): Mrs W. Quill (17/07/24 - 16/07/28),  Mrs F. Searle  01/09/21 - 31/08/25); Mrs T. Lee-Daughters (13/07/22 - 12/07/26); Co-opted Governors: Mrs J. Bhaiji. 1 VACANCY

LA Citizen Governor (appointed by the LA):  Mr V. Narad (01/12/2023 - 31/11/27)

Associate Governors (appointed by the governing body, with no voting rights):  Associate Governor to the standards committee: Miss J. Reed (Deputy Headteacher)  (01/09/22- 01/09/26); Associate Governors to Resources Committee:  Mr A. Cole (Site Caretaker), Mrs Sarbjit Chana (SBM) (01/02/24 - 31/01/28);

COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP (as at October 2024) as below:

Standards Committee:  Mrs L. Singleton, Mrs F. Searle, Mrs W. Quill,  , Mrs R. Aneja; Mrs Rema Hashi; Mrs A. Dukseyeh; Associate governor: Miss J. Reed.

Resources Commitee: Mr V. Narad; (Chair to the committee) Mrs L. Singleton ; Mrs T-Lee Daughters, Mrs S. Greenbrook; Mrs J. Bhaiji.   Associate members: Mrs S. Chana (SBM) & Mr A. Cole (caretaker)

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