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Reception Homework

Dear parents and guardians

This is your child’s homework book. It will be sent home at the beginning of term and should be returned to your class teacher on Monday morning after the `holiday, so your teacher can provide a new home learning challenge.

Each term we will provide a ‘homework bingo’ and you can choose which activity you would like to complete at your own pace.  Once you have completed a task, colour in the square and see if you can complete all of the challenges.

It is important to promote your child’s growing independence, so encourage them to have a try on their own. You may also like to practice other skills, such as writing their full name, writing numerals to 20, writing CVC words (e.g. cat, dog, sat, pin etc.) and eventually writing sentences and simple stories. You may use this book to practice if you wish.

Together we will have a very successful year in Reception and your child will make rapid progress. We thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a year of fun and learning together. If you have any questions, please speak to your class teacher.

Kind Regards

Reception Team

PS Keep an eye on the Hambrough website for links to support home learning.

Spring Homework Bingo   (attached below)

Phase 2 pronunciation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ksblMiliA8


Read your favourite story together. Can you use props to retell the story?


Read your favourite story together. Can you draw the main character?


Practice writing your weeks spellings. Can you spot them in your reading book?


Make a model using your recycling. Can you draw instructions and label it?

Create and Play

Can you make bingo mats using numbers to 20? Play the game together.


Listen to how to pronounce Phase 2 sounds on YouTube. Practice saying the sounds.  


Search for shapes in the environment. What can you spot? Can you describe the properties of the shapes?


Talk about your family and your customs. What makes you different? Can you draw your family?


Go on an autumn walk. What can you see/ hear/ smell? Collect autumn objects and make something creative.

Week One Words




Week Two Words




Week Three Words





Week Four Words to




If you want to share any photos of your home learning with school, please email to admin@hambrough.ealing.sch.uk with the title ‘Reception Home Learning Challenge’ and your class teachers name.

PHONICS HOMEWORK  (PLEASE COMPLETE & RETURN TO admin@hambrough.ealing.sch.uk)

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