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After School Care Provision


The After School Club together with the Breakfast Club forms part of the government's Extended School Agenda. Extended schools are designed to help families balance work and family commitments whilst providing pupils with a wide range of experiences.

Both the Breakfast & After School Care clubs can help to improve:

  • Attendance (especially punctuality)
  • Behaviour
  • Concentration
  • Social Skills

Children end the school day in the After School Club, relaxing with music/sport or creative activities and are provided with a healthy snack.

Homework help is provided for KS1 & KS2 children on two separate days.

Timetable of Activities:

MONDAY Reading Club & Homework Support for KS1 pupils
TUESDAY Movies & Popcorn/Gardening in the Spring & Summer
FRIDAY Homework Support for KS2 pupils

From September 2024 there will be a charge of £5.00 per session to attend the After School Child-care provision

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